Commonly asked Questions & the Answers

What if I forget My Calculator Password?

You can input 11223344 = into your Calculator pad to go to password recovery screen. You must have set password recovery email address or secret question answer in order to recover the password.

How to unlock the files back to the public gallery or out of the locker?

First open the locker and click on the folder. Then long press on the file you want to restore back to the public files. The selection mode will be started and you can select the files you want to restore. Once selection is done, Press the Unlock icon displaying on the top bar. You will be asked about where you want to restore the files. Select your destination folder and confirm. The files will be unlocking and once successfully done, You can see the files outside the locker in the public file manager or gallery app.

Unable to restore(unlock) files back to public storage?

Perhaps check your available storage space in your phone. If not available enough space of file size then error might show. Free up some space in your storage and try again or let us know if more help required.

Are my files inside the vault secure?

Yes. App uses strong encryption on your files when import inside the locker. It is not readable outside of the locker and nobody else could decrypt outside of the locker. So it is safe and secure.

Are my files secure in Drive(Online) backup?

Yes, The files transfer to your Google Drive cloud storage are encrypted and also remain encrypted in the drive storage. Neither Google Drive nor us or anybody else could read your file contents. It is only readable by your locker.

What if lost phone or stolen or broken? How to recover vault files?

You can easily syncronise your old phone's vault files into the new phone's vault. You need to sign in with the same google drive account and files will be downloaded into your new vault. You must have enabled cloud syncronise feature in your old phone and uploaded all files into the drive.

Some videos are not playable inside the vault

Currently, our vault support common video formats but not all. So mostly you can play the videos inside the vault but some very large videos or unsupported file formats will not be playable. You need to unlock the videos to play it outside the vault.

How to recover deleted files?

We have Recycle Bin feature available into our Vault. You can restore files to the vault from recycle Bin within 30 days of deletion. After that time period, file is deleted permanently from the bin too. If you delete files from recycle bin, You could not recover. If you uncheck the recycle bin option when deleting files, the files could not recover later from bin.

How to Change Password?

If you forgot your password to open Vault, You can enter 11223344 = into your Calculator app to start password recovery process. You must have set email or Question Answer for password recovery. If you know your password then you can open your secret locker and press Settings icon on top of locker screen. Settings -> General -> Change Password

File not found error when clicking on hidden photo or video

This happens when locker could not find the photo or video in your phone. Because you probably deleted the encrypted file from your storage. You can download the file from Cloud when file is missing from your phone. You must have enabled Cloud upload feature and files are uploaded successfully into cloud. Cloud upload feature is most recommended by us to prevent lose of your important files.

Why we recommend to Turn On Cloud Upload feature in our Calculator?

To prevent lose of your important files. This requires when locker could not find the photo or video in your phone. Because you probably deleted the encrypted file from your storage. You can download the file from Cloud when file is missing from your phone. You must have enabled Cloud upload feature and files are uploaded successfully into cloud. It is also useful when your phone is stolen, broken or erased. You can use the same email address in new phone and download all the locker files instantly inside the locker.